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ED 207 310 







EC 100 053 

Bornell, Donald G. 

Movement' Discovery 'Linking the Impossible to the 

American Alliance for % Health, . Physical Education', 
Recreation and Dance, '.Restoir, va. Information and 
Research Utilization center; 
Jan 80 ■ 
21p- • 

American -Alliance for Health, Physical Education, 
"Recreation and Daace, 1900 Association Dr.. B'eston. 
VA 22091 ($2.00). 

Practical Pointers; v3 n9 Jan 1980 

MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. ' ' 
Adapted Physical Education; ♦Disabilities; Elem'entarj 
Secondary Education; Eye Hand Coordination;' *Games;" 
Motor Development; Movement Education; ' *Physical 


Activities -designed to increase the movements-ability 
and enjoyment of disabled students are describe*!. The tirst section 
discusses three activities— aerial shuffleboard, aerial golf, and 
bottles and,, eggs — designed to improve eye- hand coordination and - 
throwing ability. The use of cardboard walking stilts is- discussed as 
a method to improve kinesthesis and gross motor planning,' while 
performing the Charleston is said to improve rhythmic movements to • 
music through auditory and kinesthetic synthesis. A final 
activity— modified skateboarding— was created for children with 
cerebral palsy and poor coordination. (CL) 

* Reproductions' supplied- by. EDBS are the best that 'can b£ made * 

* from the original document. ^ i ' * 


• American Alliance for 
Health, Physical Education, 
Recreation and Dance 

Physical Education and«Recreation 

for the Handicapped: Information 

and Research Utilization Center 

1201 16th Street, N.W , Washington, Q.C. 20036 


Volume 3, Number 9 
January 1980 

Togt£hzA K can do It. 



By Donald G. Cornell Ed.D.* 



/^\hts document has* been reproduced as 
wceived from the person or Organization 
originating it 

Minor changes have been made to improve 
reproduction quality 

• Pomw of view or opinions stated in thisdocu- 
menitfb^t necessarily represent otfjcial^NJE 
pos tK>n or pol*cy 


Serial Shuf f leboard, Aerial % Golf, and 3oCCles and Eggs ) 

Created to impnWe eye-hana coordination and throwing 
ability while maintaining a high level of interest 

Cardbpard Walking Stilts ^ -7 

Created to improve kines thesis and gross motor planning 
through movement patterns designed to stimulate positive 
perceptual awareness 

Charleston to "Me and My Shadow"...^ , \\ 

vCreateti to improve rhythmic movements to music through 
auditory and kinesthetic synthesis 

Modified Skateboard ; 

Created for 1 poorly coordinated and some cerebral palsy 
- children to learn the rudiments of skateboarding 



Donald C. Bornell is Health, Physical, and Adaptive Physical Educatioq Coordinator for the Santa Barbara County Schools 
Office of the Superintendent. He received his B'.S. Degree from Illinois 'State University and his M.S. and Ed.D Degrees from 
the University of California at Los Angeles. Dr. Bornell has taught in the elementary , secondary *and college programs in his 

^ areas of current responsibility. He has also taught psychology, child growth and development, and curriculum and instruction 

While on a*one year contract with the Department of Education, American Samoa, he coordinated a teacher certification study; 
^ and as a consultant for the Los Angeles County , Schools Office o&the Superintendent, was a writing team member for fh e'Phyal - 

cal Performance Te st for California , and for the national curriculum "Man and Environment." He was also the cowr^ter and co- 
» producer of the educational television spries "Get Ahead of the Game" for guest teacher Bill Toomcy, 1968 Olympic Decathlon 
L winner. Currently, Dr. Bornell Works directly witl^handicapped children and creates equipment and activities in keeping with 
* their needs and interests, a few of which include a specially designed portable carrel for wheelchairs, a toilet seat unit to 
^protect* the child, a <wnlk n'-bnlancc disc for spatial awareness, and portable taps for use on shoes or hands for feeling rhythm, 
^ and fo # r teaching basic cap ^ 1 K 

*Dr\ Bornell Is coau therewithal is wif c *Jean of the hook Movement is Individual! ty . >778. « j 

1 - *•")'.' • - o 

9 I ' * .4 

ERIG Publication*. © IMl^^^erican Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington. D.C. 20036 

"The impprtance 'of activity as a positive learning experience for all children 
cannot be o^emphasized. .All children in their formative years must identify 
with their hiimdnness and, ihrough awareness of the mentalxand physical self, be 
able to say ^ind/o'r feel f I AM!' Thus, an inner balance contributes ^to "sound 'y 
emotional development and^ understanding of similarities <and\if f erences in human 
beings. M * " \ x 

"In the process of growth ai/d development, all children should experience move-, 
ment success within each of their capabilities and limitations and\n an atmo- 
sphere which allows for optimum enjoyment through appropriate and- well planned 
activities. 11 * • \ 

It's Chat little bit of difference in planning activities or 'creating new ^activ- 
ities and equipment in the adapted or regular physical education- program that 
links the impossible to the possitfle *Eor many children. Through this linkage^ 
each individual has the opportunity to experience movement success,* so necessaiNvA 
for participating in pleasurable physical recreational activities throughout life(. 

"Children need to be challenged and stimulated in a constructive way, and they * 
need time to develop the appropriate skills necessary to feel a part of and not 
threatened by* physical recreational activities or sport activities programs. 
'Children should also be given the opportunity to make choices under appropriate t 
conditions between competitive and noncompetitive sports, and nonvigorous- and t 
vigorous activities. 11 * * * . , ^ 

^"As w\ look into the future, it appears that humankind will pursue the physical 
activity" through recreation that work once partially fulfilled, for the body is 
an. energy system. Adults of tomorrow wfll seek physical recreation that involves 
the whole self in the way children "are involved in play. 1 !* 

\ . s 

The activities on the proceeding pages are representative o£ many ways in which • 
a teacher can help pupils in physical education, regular or adaptedv link the" 
impossible to that which eventually becomes possible. Ea@rh of these activities 
evolved as a result of perceiving specific needs and interests of individuals in 
toy adapted physical education program. And, keeping formost in mind that many 
children, can learn to participate in at least a few of the many lifetime sports 
now available in our society, if given* the opportunity to progress in- a less 
obvious way from that whicfi has been so commonly used in physical activities 

^MOVEMENT IS ^INDIVIDUALITY , Donald G. and Cecil Jean Bofnell, 1978, 
Publisher,' G.S.C. Athletic Equipment, San Pedro, Calffornia. 

" > 

Catalyst for Movement Discovery 


Aerial shuffleboard, serial golf, and plastic bottle and styrofoam eg^s were created 
to improve eye-hand -coordination and throwing ability while maintaining a h^gh level 
of interested enthusiasm. These activities evolved out of the need for dimension- 
alizing the program in ' inexpensive ways. The activities are ideal for pre-school, 
primary and 'adapted physical education classes', furthermore, all three activities' 
can be played from a. standing or sitting position, thus allowing for .pupils in wheel- 
chairs to be as involved as other children. 


~ s ; T 4 

ThV shuffleboard targets can be made from 1/2" or 3/4" plastic water pipe, jump remes 
or drawn with chalk 'on blacktop or concrete. Hula hoops can also be used. If 'the3* 
targets are made from the plastic pipe, the. following steps should be taken: 
1. ' 1 


4. Use the 3" pieces as holding dowels by gluing them into the en'ds*of the 9' loop 
thus creating approximately- 34" diameter plastic hoops. * 1 

The shuffleboard discs are made from bottoms of one gallon bleach bottles or other 
similar plastic bottles. The following steps should be taken for cutting the bottoms 
> off of the plastic bottles: 

1. Insert a *sharp pointed scissors into t*he bottle about 1" from the bottom of the 
bottle and parallel to the bottom. 

2. Keeping the scissors parallel to tjie bottom, cut around the bottle until the. 
bottom is free. . The bottom should resemble a mini frisbee. 

\ • 

The same hoops that are used* for aerial shuffleboard can be used for aerial golf. 
Bean bags, nerf balls, tennis balls or small playground balls can' be, used' as the 
throwing object. Bean bags can be made as a parent or P.T.A. project and old tennis % 
balls can usually be obtained from high school/college, or tennis -club coaches^. 

* . * . . * • 



The one gallon plastic bottles that have Jiad. the bottoms cut off, become the catch- '< 
ing device. The styrofoam eggs can usually be purchased at a hobby or craft shop and 
are very reasonaj^. Plastic eggs can. also be used, however are more expensive. 

PROCESS ~ . " ? ) 

For the game of aerial shuffleboard, each pupil should be >given one, hobp and at least 
two mini frjisbees (the bottoms of one gallon plastic bottles), The game should be 
played on a smooth surface /such as a wooden floor or on a blacktop surf ace . Suffi- „ 
cient space should be provided for each pupil to practice -without Interfering With' 
another. The mini frisbee' is thrown the ^ame way as a /regular frisbee. It will 
probably be necessary to demonstrate both^throwing ,and positioning of the mini fris- 
bee in the ha^d. . It may even be necessary' to. move the arm* through ■ the r ^ot ion.' 

For the game of aer^a]/golf , have each pqpil practice throwing whichever object is gbing 
to be used in the game. In practicing throwing, make sure* that when throwing >with the* 
right hand the left foot iSv forward, and vice versa when throwing left-Handed. Some 
childreq^will throw equally ^7ell with either hand and shouljd be given that opportunity. 

'For the game of th^ bottle and the egg, each pupil should be given a one gallon plastic 
bottle w^th the tJbttom cut out* 'and one styrofoam. or plastic egg. For right-handed 
children, the bottle should be held in the left hand by the handl^-with the open bottom 
up, and in the right hand foV left-handed children. The egg is,-$eld in tTie free hand. 
If frhe^chiW has only one hand, the egg should be placed in the bottle, and the one hand 
is use^for both tossing and catching. 


1. Each pupil should have^ one hoop ^nd two 
to four mini frisbees. The hoop should 
be laid flat on a smooth sur^ce and, 
from a distance of five feet away, the 
pupil should try to sail the mini fris-\ 
be£ so that it lands in the Hqfj^* 

2. After 3 out of 4 mi'nj. f risbees 4a^d and 
stay in the ho6p> extend 'the throwing 
distance to 10 feet and continue as in 
step 1. . ( ; - 

3. When sufficient skill ingrowing is 
« developed, pupils^ can pair offhand 

create their own game of aerial shuffTe- 
board by placing the hoops an agreed 
upon distance v apart. They then take 
turns tossing the mini frisbees and % 
can record on paper the number that * 
stay within the hoop. Pupils can also 
decide if they want a pre-agreed upon 
number of tosses, or points scored for 
a game. . ^ . 


1. Place a series of three -to nine hoops 
far enough apart so that it takes more 
than one throw with 1 Whichever object 
will be used to get from one" hoop to 

the next, 

t * 0 

If a bean bag is used, each shot should 
be tossed. If a ball is used, all ex- 
cept the last or approach shot should 
be thrown towards each hoop." Tfye 
approach shot should be rolled into the 
hoop area. 

'"Practice" throwing the* bean bag or ball 
at just one of the *hoops. -Several pupils 
can ^practice at a time by being spread out 
aver 'the course* 

4. As accuracy .improves, move further away from 
% the hoop until it takes more than one toss * 

to reach th;| t hoop. 

; > * N " • . ; , ' . , 

5. If sufficient: hoops are available, several 
coursers can be set up so that pupils dp not. ' 
have to stand in line, waiting for a tu*#. 

. ,It may also be advisable to set up tjiree 
^ ' 3-hoop courses rather than one 9 J hoop course. 

6. After practicing going through the course,* 
'-pupils can begin to keep track of the, dumber 

. -of throws^ it takes to complete the course, 
an<i .class and/or individual records can be 



The above steps can/ be repeated using a nerf 
ball, tennis ball, or ^pfall 1 playground ball. 
Remember, when using a ball, -the last shot 
or attempted last shot for each Koop should 
be rolled. 



1. The one gallon plastic bottles with the 
bottoms cut, off are held by the handle 
with bottoms up, in the left, hand for a 
right-handed pupil, and the right hand for, 
a left-hande<J pupil. * " 

2. The plastic or styrofoam egg is held in the 
dominant hand and' with an underhand toss 
thrown straight ^xp into the air. The egg 
should then be caught in the bottle. Tell 
the pupils tjjat the eggs* are very fragile 
and should not , fall to the ground ." This 

( helps the child to focug in on the taskJ 
Emphasize throwing the egg a very stf&rt 
distance into the^ir so that it willlnot 
be missed/ 

3. After the pupil catches 3 out of 5, revetse 
hands usinjg the catching hfend as the throwing 
hand. Practice until some skill is achieved. 
The advantage in aising a plastie or styrofoam 

• egg not % *pnly alloW for the child to focus 'on 
the task, it also not. roll very far if 

missed, which keeps frustration at a minimum. 

4. Have the pupils pair oif ^nd practice throwing 
one egg back and, forth, trying to see how many* 
times they can catch it without missing. - . 

5. '-Substitute, small bean bags for the plastic, 
f eg£s and repeat the above steps. 

O jubstitute ^a tennis ball for the bean bag' 
:RJCtncl repeat steps 1 "through 3. ^ 



.Allow childrerTto try using the bottles and eggs or balls in different ways. For example, 
placing the throwing object in the" bottle and tossing, it in the air with' an upward move- 
ment of. the bottle; then catching it in the bottle. Another example woi^ld be throwing a 
ball against a hantlball_wall and catching it in the bottle. As a class project, the eggs 
can be decorated ancj the plastic botfcles tan be painted for individuality and personal , 
identification. For aerial shuf f leboard, children can create scoring ^ones drawn directly 
on the Macfctop. A higher level of throwing skill is needed to toss the mini frisbee into 
the scoring zone without it sliding put. The scoring zones can be painted in bright 
colors as a class project. ( Aerial golf can also be painted on the playground, with hoops 
added behind obstacles such as benches, trees, handball courts, and tables. 



Ball throwing 
Frisbee tossing 
Ball catching 



Casting iar fishing . 

Tossing a boat line , 

Catching hot rivets in co/istruction 

Carnival midway 

The following three levels of evaluation are^fcfered as' guidelines for pupil entry into 
the activity, and for the learner td ^establish short and long-term objectives with teacher 
assistance . • ' ' ~{ 



1. Tos s mini/frisbee i&to hoop 3 of 5 tries 

from fiv£ feet away. 


From",a d-istance 1% tim'es maximum throw, 
get the nerf ball into hoop in. three tries. 

Togs styrofoam egg into the air aqd catch i^t 
in plastic bottle 3 of 5 tries. 


Toss mini frisbee* into hoop 3 of '5' tries 
from ten feet away- 

Set up a\three-hoop coyrse, with hoops sjet 
\further rhan one throw apart from each other*, 
1 Complete course in 9 or fewer turns. 

ss« tennis ball into the air and ca.tch it 
in plastic bottle 3 of 5 tries. 


1. Repeat' Level II J^J^ising opposite hand. 

2. Create an obstacle aerial golf" course 
using 5 hoops and 3 obstacles. 



1 I"" : - ' 

! i 1 

r i 

; ■ L 
i xr i v 

1 ' i 




i 1 


' . I 



. 1 

v . • 



1 I • 

t 1 e • • 

3. .* Throw a tennis ball against ,the wall and 

(Jatch it'vln the plastic bottle 3 of 5 tries. 

Catalyst fov^Movement DvsGQverij v * • ~' 

CARDBOARD WALKING STILTS (with elastic and non 7 eXastic cords) 

The cardboard walking stilts are used to improve kinesthesis and gross motor planning ' 
through movement patterns designed to stimulate" positive perceptual awareness. Some of 
the recommenced activities al^so bring about vestibular stimulation. The class &et of 
• blocks <are strung in two different ways. Half of the set is strung with elastic cord, 
and the other half is strung with non-stretch cord. In working with children who exhibit 
motor coordination problems, or who are slow learners ,' the elastic cord strung cardboard 
stilts are ideal. Because these cords can_be held with slight tension, it is, not neces- 
sary to raise the arm and hand each time the foot is, raised in order to keep the foot on 
the stilt, thus allowing the pupil to focus on only one motor task at a time instead . 4 
of the. usual* two. Most children, whether^ in the regular or the - adapted - physical edu- 
cation cl^ss, can experience success in walking on these stilts with the elastic cords. 

After the "child experiences success with' the elastic cord stilts, the non-elastic cord 
stilts can be tried. These stilts' add another motor task by requiring the child to raise 
the arm and hand in unison with the foot to keep the stilts in contact with the sole of 
1 the foot* v 

% Cardboard walking stilts are ideal for use in the preschool through primary grades phys- 
ical education and adapted physical education programs. 


The cardboard walking stilts are made from centers of carpet rolls, which are long card- 
board tubes* approximately four Inches in diameter. The handles*are made from any durable 
round elastic and non-elastic cord. ^ 

-l.j Cut the ca\dbbard into 4" length's using "a fine tooth saw or a band saw. 

2. Drill two holes in each 4" sectiijn opposite each other and 1" in from the edge. % 

3. Cut t\he cords into 5 f lengths. 
# 4. Thread the cord through the two holes and tie. 

5. If used as a class project, give each child s two 4" long of pre-drilled card- 
board tubing, two 5' long cords, and a set of paints. \ & 

6. Allow each child to create his or her own designs on the tubfes before threading the 
cqfds through. . 

PROC ESS , , • 

— — — - . \ 

Before^ using the cardboard walking stilts, if would-be helpful if the child had the 
opportunity to practice walking on the mini'metric beams and balancing on the walk f n * 
balance disc* After, learning to walk on the stilts, the child will be ready to partic- 
ipate in group activities using the stilts. 

The stilts with the elastic cords, although designed for lower level entrance perfor- 
mance than the non-elastic cord stilts; still require some balance skill and eye-foot 
coordination. When first working with a child, it may be*necessary to help the child 
properly locate the foot on the stilt.- Always make certain that the foot is far enough 
on the stilt for ▼a secure feeling. 

. *Beatns/£md balance, platforms can be made or purchased* through equipment * supply _ 
companies. ^ % '» */ - ,v 

It \ 


1*. When the child first begins to use 
the stilts, -the teacher should 
stand riaxt to or in back of the 
^ child to lend assistance . The . ♦ 
teacher may even have to demon- 

• strate using the stilts. Place 
the* stilt in front .of the childJs . 
foot'.and have the chi]^ step on 
to it. Hand the cord to the 

N child. Have the child take a- 
step with the' stilt. Hav-e # the 
child practice using one stilt.. • 

2^ Practice using the stilt on the 
opposite foot. 

3. Now have the child step on£o both 
stilts. If the .child has dif- 
ficulty walking with the stilts, ' 
replace with stilts strung with 
elastic bands. Have child anchor 
bands on knees' or thighs by holding 
the band so that it is slightly * 
stretched. Have the child try 
walking without moving the hands 
and concentrate on the feet only. 


4* Practice walking forward and 

, backward*. , * j 


5. Practice a side step to the right 
and to the left/ 

Now exchange* the elastic 'band 
stilts for non-elastic band i 
stilts and repeat steps. 4 and 5. 

If the child has difficulty co- 
ordinating the hand-foot movement, 
walk behind the child holding on 
to each hand, lifting it with each 
step of the stilt. 

After thg children experience walking 
success on the stilts, a mini ob- 
stacle course can be created out 
of small boxes, cones, hoops, - . 

plastic bottles, and bicytle tires 
for the children to move around, 
oVer, and into. 

9. Make sufficient .obstacles 'available 
for the children to create their 
own mini courses" and practice at • 
yan individual pace. 

10. 'After sufficient skill is attained 

on the stilts, a chiMd can be 
given a six* inch" playground ball 
^o practice kicking while on the 
stijts. * T 

11. Once skill is attained in kicking 
the ball, children can be paired 
up and practice -kicking the ball 
back and forth to each other. 

12. , As soon as a group^of children learn 

to control the ball, they 
grouped into a game~ of zone 
soccer or other modified ball 
^ kicking games which can be v 
played in a limited" area. - 

13. When a child attains a high 
level of skill on the stilts, 
he or she can be further chal- 
lenged by crossing the cords 
and having tha righC hand con- 
trol the l^ft foot and. the left 
hand contrcrl the right fpot. 

14. Using the "pattern in step 13, 
have the child try-^walking . 

15. Using the same holding -pat- 
tern, try moving through 

an obstacle course 4 . 

16. Competitive activites may 

a. Kicking a ball for distance 
while 0rt-the stilts^ 

b. Kicking a ball for ac- 
curacy at a plastic bottle 

or between two' cones. 

c. Backward walking" relay 
on the stilts . ' * 

d. Ball -kicking relay on ^ 
the stilts. 

e- * Obstacle relay on the 

° ' • In 



Allow children to try different ways of using the stilts. For example, a modified, 
bowling game xcan'be created by using pint or quart size plastic bottles and the 6 M 
rubber playground ball. Create a new' relay such as holding a tennis ball between 
chin ^nd chest -while walking on the stilts. Try some of the above activities on 
higher cardboard stilts^cut up to 12 M long. Create a dance to music 'while on the. 
stilts. I ^ 


. Walking the balance beam 
Pedaling a bicycle 
Using a pbgo stick' 
Walking on wooden stilts 



--^W^lking in elevator shoes, or high' heels 
Working in high construction 
Performing in a circus 
Climbing a ladder * * 

The following three levels of evaluation are offered as guidelines for pupil entry 
into the activity, and for the learner to estabUsh v short and long-term objectives 1 
with teacher assistance. \ 


on on 
elastic cord./"^ 

I. Pupil walks on one stilt using 




2. Pupil walks on both stiltfs using 
elastic cords. 



1. Pupil walks' forward on two stilts 
using non-elastic cords. 

-> J£. ^ Pupil walks backward on stilts 
Mising non-elastic cords. * 

3. Pupil can kick a 6 ,! playground 
ball^while on the stilts. 


1. Pupil walks through "obstacle course 
on the stilts . 

* * 

2. Pupil can kick a ball between two 
cones from a specified distance 
while on the stilts. 


3. Pupil can cpeate % a new activity 
yith the Stilts. 





* * 



$ * 


' — : t 

i m 

\ _ 




Catalyst for Movement Discovery 


Because the basic steps of. the "Charleston" are .fun to do h the dance ha,s a builtrin 
motivational* factor not xalways pfcesen<- in mariy'of the dances taught in school. 
Furthermore/; the ^pi^imary step is a simple forward and backward walking movement ■ 
and can be learned by many exceptional children. When children havq diffi^ilty . 
coordinating* the steps to slow music such as and My Shadow," .DISCO* TATP^ taps ^ 
can be used ,on the shoes se as to feel and hear the body rhythm in relationship 
to the music. When .heating the taps and the v music, it is often easiet to synchro- 
nize^ the two sounds .as opposed to hearing the music withoug the tap sound. After 
the pupil begins to feel the^rhythm, he or she may have the choice of removing 
the taps or continuing with them^on. Taps are especially helpful^for children 
with hearing impairments and for those who are blind. If the pupil had difficulty 
coordinating the foot pattern to the music > the teacher may need to walk the child . 
thtough the movement,, demonstrating jgach S;tep while slowly increasing the speed. 

PROCESS \ * ■ " * . . 

The pupils should be given the opportunity to lis ten, to slow 4/4 music such as 
"Me and My Shadow." After listening to the music for awhile, the teacher can tap 
or clap the beat and the children can thei^ioin ia. The teacher can recite with . 
the beat, "get/the/rhy/thm." If DISCO TAi v ^ taps are available, they can be placed 
on the handstand tapped, on the desk, tapped against, each other, or pn a lap tap 
board made from masonite. "By using this approach, the^feeling of rhythm" can begin 
to 'evolve prior to actually trying' to "move the feet to the music. 


* 71 ; ^ • t- ■' ■ 

1. From a— natural standing positiciir, step 
forward on the left ^foot, step forward • 

' |^on the rigjit foot; step back on the right 
foot, step back on the Heft f6ot. 

2. * Take four steps forward, starting on the. 

left foot and ending on the right foot. "~ 

3. Take four steps backward, starting on 

the right foot and errding on the left foot. 

4. Do a complete circle to' the left, starting 
on, the leftvfoot by taking four steps 

and finishing oh *the .right foot in the 
briginal* pcTsition. 


5. Do a complete circle to. the right, starting 

oil the right foot by taking four* steps' 
and finishing on the left foot ia-.the 
original position. 

*DISCO TAI& taps are portable taps held in/place with elastic straps and velcro 
•and can be used on the shoes or hands for tap dancing or lap tapping.. They are 
manufactured by E. B. Stnith Tap Co. and are available at most tap dancing, supply 
^stores or through G.S.C* Athletic Equipment of San Pedro, California. 

V 1 


' 7. 




v With teet in line parallel an3 about 6" apart, 
bend knees slightly and place hands on knees. 
Bring kliees together and slip the right hand 
over the left and the left under the right 1 
simultaneously finishing -with* the right-hand 
on the left < knee and the left hand on the 
right knee as the knees move apart*. The arms 
are now crossed. Bring knees together again 
and exchange location a£ v hands so that they 
are again right hand" on right knee and left 
hand on left knee as knees 'move apart. Arms 
aire now uncrossed. Some may find it easier 
to slide the left hancT over the right/hand 
■ and 'the right hand under^ the* lef t httfid" " 

Talcing the Scjjne starting position as in // §, 
point the toes of the shoes in by pivoting on 
bo-th heels. Point the toes out by pivoting 
on both heels. Repeat, toes in, toe^s out. * 

Again taking the same starting position as in 
// 6 with hands on knees, move to the ri*ght ,by 
pivoting on the right iieel and left'toe, heels" 
come together; left heel right toe, toes c&me 
together; right heel, left toe, left heel, . 
right toe (thi£ 19 a very difficult movement 
and some children may not be able^ tg> learn it), 

Take four steps forward starting on the left 
foot and" ftnishing on°the right foot with feet 
parallel to each other and in fine. Place 
hands on knees and take four jump steps! back- 
ward (like a hopping rabbit). 

Again take four steps forward starting on the 
left foot. With hands on knees take four jump 
steps backward, slapping the Rhees between . 
each jump step, which becomes a hop, slap, hop, 
Slap (this is also a difficult movement and may 
not be learned by a^Ll children).' 

Step forward on "the left foot*and swing the 
right leg in front of the left leg. Step bafck 
on the right foot and bring ^he Jeft leg back 
so that the toe of the left foot touches the _ 
, floor behind the right f<*ot and to the rear. 

Repeat #k11 adding arm movement. As. the left 
foot moves forward, both arms swing simulta- 
neously to fche left; as the right fopt swings 
forward, bo til arms swing simultaneously to the 
right; as th£ right foot comes back, both arms 
swing simultaneously' to the left; as the left 
foot comes ba^k, both ai^ms swing simultaneously 
tattle right. 



(Eric Rogers and his Orchestra) 
(The Percussive Twenties) 









No music (Your beats of tapping) 

^No music (four beats of soft shoe) 

Ho music (two beats of tapping, 

two beats of soft shoe) 

No music (one beat of tapping, 

• one beat of soft shoe, 
one beat of tapping, 
one beat of soft* Shoe) 

Me and My 



Me and My 







No steps (listen to the beat) 

No steps (listen to the beat) 

* * 

No steps (listen to the beat) 

No steps (listen to the beat) 

Step forward on left foot, step forward on 
right foot, step back on right foot, step 
back on left foot (basic step // ,1) 

* Repeat measure 5 * * 

Take four steps forward starting on the 
left foot (basic step // 2) . 

Take four 'steps backward starting on the 
right foot (basix: step // 3) 

Step forward on left foot, step forward on 
right foot, step back on right foot, step 
back on left foot (basic step // 1) 

Repeat measure 9 x 

Do a complete circle to the left .starting on . 
the left foAt by taking four steps and tin- « 
ishing on the right foot in the "original 
position (basic step // 4) 

Do a complete circle to the right starting on 
the right foot by taking four steps and fin- 
ishing on the left foot in the original 
position (basic step // 5) . 

O 0 

Step fosward on left foot, step forward on 
right foot, Step back on right fpot, step 
back on left 'foot (basic step # 1) 

Repeat .measure 13, 




j 14 


Place hands on knees, bring knees together 
and slip the right hand over the left hand* 
and the left hand under the$right hand, 
finishing with right hand 5cX..le,f tjcnee and 
left hand on right knee a^ |ttiees tribve apart; 
bring knees together ag^TVjknd exchange 
location qf hands so thjt ^hey are in starting 
position, right hand on bright ^kne#, and leff, 
hand on left as kneesSrove apafc£ (basic step 
// 6) 

Repeat measure 15 

Step fbrward on the left foot and swing the 
right leg in front of the left leg. Step 
back on the right foot and bjing the left 
leg.back so that the toe of the left foot 
touches 'the floor behind the right foot and 
to the rear (basic step // 11) 

Repeat measure 17 

Hands on* knees , move to the r^ght by pivoting 
on the right heel and the left toe, left heel 
and right toe, right heel and left^fte, left 
heel and r*i.ght'toe j(basic step // 8) 

Jtepeat measure 19 moving to the left 

Rest with hands on hips " . ; 

Step forward on the left foot and swing the 
right leg in front of the left leg. Step 
back on the right foot* and bring the left leg 
back so th,at/j:he toe of the left* foot touches 
the floor behind the right foot and -the rear 
(arm movements car^ be added as in basic step 
// 12) . " 

' . ( ' * 
Repeat measure *22 using arm movements 

Take four steps * forward starting on the left 
foot (basic step // 2) • *- 

Take four jui^p steps backward, slapping ^the* 
knees between each jump step (basic* step // 10) 

Use any steps that have been "learned 



% Ask the class to talk to their grandparents or other senior citizens to obtain more 
information about the era of the 1920's and about the Charleston D<mce, and what the 
•world was like .then, Ask each pupil to work out a dance routine least four 
* of the steps thev have learned. Practice the steps 1 until they can be danced to the 
music "Charles ton ." Try making 



Folk dancing" 
Square dancing 
Disco dancing 
Tap dancing 


Lng up new steps and .new arm movements. 


Waves against rocks 
Rhythmic walking 
Rain drops 

Assembly line' movement patterns 
* -'Grandfather clock • 

The following three levels of evaluation^ arqj of f erejd as guidelines for pupil entry 
into the activity, and for the learner to establish stfort and long-term objectives 
with teacher assistance. 

" " " " ' ~ (ft 

LEVEL I (with or without DISCO TAF^ taps) 




1. Take four steps forward starting on left 
j foot and finishing on right foot. 

2. Take four steps backward smarting on J.eft 
foot and finishing on right foot. 

3. Take two steps forward starting on left* 
foot and two steps backward starting on d 
right foot. 

LEVEL II (with slow 4/4 music) 

• 1. Take four steps forward keeping in time- 
with the music. - 

2. fake four t steps backward keeping in time 
with the music. 

. * * ' IF ^ 

3. Take 'two steps forward starting on^s^t^ 
fook and two steps backward starting 6n v *v» 

-right foot, keeping in tin^.with the 


LEVEL III (wi thou t % "taps) 

1. Perform three different "Charleston" 


steps to the music of "Me an<J My Shadow." 

' 2. Perform three different steps to any 
. "Charleston" type music, f ee ^synchro- 
nized to the music. K . 

* ^ * 


. 3; Create. a new step to previously used * 

O ' : 

ERLC * * . 








1 - • 






r 16 

Catalyst for Movement Discovery . . .\ . 


The modified skateboard was designed to allow students who shaw'signs of poor motor 
coordination or have CNS (central nervous system) impairment to learn the rudiments 
of skateboarding. The skateboard is substantially heavier than standard boards to 
give greater stability. v The rear of phe board is flat, and the handle is placed 
behind the front. wheels in order to keep the board from tipping up if the foot is 
pl^fed too far to the rear, or tipping forward if .the foot is placed too close to the 
front. The handle tan be removed without the use of tools, thus eliminating the prob- 
lem of misplacing nuts, bolts, or wrench. The quick removable handle allows for greater 
continuity in progression and for working with pupils of varying stages of ability, 


1. Cut the skateboard base from 3/4" plywood 26" by 6 1 '. 

2. Using a 3 M radius, mark semicircles at both ends of the board and cut along the 
line with a. portable jigsaw or band saw, i 

3. From the scrap plywood cut a 3" square. 

4. Glue the 3 M square 4*$" on center from the end of the board (since both ends of 
the board were gut the same, either end will .do). For added strength, secure the 
3" square in all four corners with four IV flat head wood screws. - * 

. 5- Using a IV bit and electric drill, drill a hol^ through the center of the 3 M 
^square and skateboard base, 
6. Cut a lV f dowel 30" long and make a pencil mark 1^ M in from one end completely 
around the dowel. 

'7. On that; same end make a circle IV in diameter, and using a sharp knife of*vood 

rasp, trim that end down, to the pencil marks until 'it fits snu'gly into the IV hoi 
driLled through the skateboard base. It may be necessary to sand the trimmed, end 
for a b'etter fit._ : 
8. Drill a 3/16 u hole about 1 M deep into the same" end and screw a 2%" long V f two-way 
wood/machine thread screw into the hole. Wrap the machine threads with masking 
tape to protect the threads while screwing it into the hole with a pair of plyers. 
Drill a 7/8" hole about 1^" on center from the other end of the l^ ,f tiowel . The 
handle grip will be slid through this hole. * " 

.Cut a 10 M piece from a 7/8" dowel and slip through the hole, leaving 6V pro- 
truding from both sides. Drill a small hole in the 1%" dowel at right angles to 
r the 3/4 M dawel, and insert 1^" flathead screw^Q^jsec^^ 

11. Mpunt jtheskateboar^ ii*"^5m^T^ the satoe side as the 3 11 
square is mounted. The front wheels should be between the 3" square and the front 
edge. The rubber mountings of the. two sets of wheels should face each othe^. 

12. Insert handle through the. hole, place two washers and V f wing nut on_thj^nd_„ 
of- the screw and secure, making sure th^handL^£pip--iB-^t righr^ngTes^o the- 
skateboard. % J 

PROCESS \ ^ ' "V ' " I . 

In the ptooce^s of learning to ule the modr^ed skateboard, the pupil should first' prac- 
tice on alow balance boam, being able «to walk to the center, -turn around, and walk 
back. The pupil shoujd also be able to" perform a scale on, the low balance beam. To m 
perform a scale, the arms are extended out "from the j^ide, the upper part, of the body 
is bent at the waist, either foot is extended to the rear and raised about waist high. 
A pupil can practice the above on a chalk line marked on the floor or blacktop. Pro- 
tect the severely handicapped with helmet and knee and elbow pads. 

Q . J. i , 


1. Hold- handle grip with both'hands and 
place the right foot on skateboard 
with toe against handle. Push with 
left foot propelling the skateboard. 
Begin slowly. It may be necessary to 
demonstrate the movement. It may also 
be necessary to hold onto the handle 
while pupil is practicing. Keep prac- 
tice area clear of debris. 


Have pupil practice step 1 using the 
left foot on skateboard. 

Go* through steps 1 and 2 increasing 
thl'speed. fr^ove aldng wit£.pupil 
staying on side opposite push foot 
in order to lend assistance. 

After pupil begins to feel balance 
while in motion, suggest holding 
push foot* up while coasting. 


Repeat step 4 using opposite foot. 

After steps 4 and 5 4 are learned, 
have pupil push off three times 
and place push foot behind foot on 
board. This movement may have to 
&e demonstrated. Some children can 
balance better using only one side 
of 4;he-board for pushing. To* lend 
assistance with this movement, 
move along with the pupil staying 
on the side opposite the pusli foot. 

Observe the location Qf the feet 
on the board and make sure<they* 
are lined up along the center for 
better balance-- * - - / - 

Repeat step 6 reversing the foot 
position. - ^ 

After pupil is able. to coast with 
both feet cm the board, ask the 
pupil to release the 'left hand 
while continuing to coast. Again, 
this* movement may have to be shown. 









18 a 


While holding the handle with one 
hand, push'off three times and 
coast. While coastingY^release the 
handle with .holding hand. Move 
along with the pupil to lend assis- 
tance^if necessary. , 

Whea)the pupil is capable of 
releasing both hands while coast- 
ing, ask the pupil to. try pushing 
off three times 'and placing the 
push foot on the board without 
the hands touching the handle grip. 

When the pupil feels balance in 
motion without holding on to the 
handle grip, remdv^ the handle 
arid repeat step 11. Again impve 
along with the pupil to lend a 
helping hand if n'ecessary. 

Ask the pupil to reverse the foot 
position and try it from the op- 
posite side. Demonstrate if nec- 
essary. Then allow, the pupil to 
work -from the side that seems most 
natural. ' > 

Replace, the handle and practice 
turning. To turn to the right, 
lean slightly to the right with 
kneds bent slightly towards the 
right. ° Hold onto thediandle grip 
through the tm:n._ . . t . 

To turn to the l^ft, lean slightly 
to the left with knees bent slightly 
towards the left. Hold onto the 
handle grip thrpugh the turn. 

Practice steps 13 and 14 while rje- 1 
leasing the handle. 

After sufficient skill has been* 

attained, remove the -handle and 

practice the turns in either direc- * 

tion. V V 


To develop sl^ill and f confidence*, 
have pupil move around plastic 
bottles or 'cones placed about . ' 

twenty fee£ apart. 





The "pupils who have mastered the above steps gan then go on to participating in commu- 
nity skateboard activities. Some pupils will always need to use the handle, however, 
can still enjoy the feeling of free movement on wheels. Allow pupils to set up their 
own skateboard course using plastic bottles . They can also time themselves to find out 
how lorfgit takes to move through the course and then try to improve on their own times. 


Riding a bicycle 
Roller skating . 
Surf boarding 



Controlling a vehicle in traffic 
Balancing on a ladder 
Driving a moped 
Conveyer belts 

The following three levels of evaluation are offered as guidelines for pupil entry 
Into the activity, and for the learner to establish shofltt and leng-term objectives 
with teacher assistance . 


1. Holding handle grip, with right foot 
on skateboard, pupil pushes off with 

^left foot and cpasts. \ 

2. Holding handle grip, pupil pushes off 
and coasts, placing push^foot on 

LEVEL 11 _ \ 

'1. Ho lding* handle grip with one hand, 
pupil pushes off apd coasts. 

2. Holding handle grip with one hand, 
pupil pushes v off and coasts, placing 
push foot on skateboard. 

3* While holding handle, pupil* can 
turn skateboard by leaning in 
. appropriate direction*' 





1. Without holding handle grip, pupil 

can .push offhand cc^as't. 


2. - Without holding handle grip, pupil 

can coast w^th^both feet on the' 
skateboard* •* ' 

3. Without; holding handle grip, pupil 

* can -turn skateboard while coasting - 
with bbth feet on the board* 

t » r 

. i 



~~l ^ 

-j ^_ 

' 9 



♦ • 20 * 


.We are indebted to Donald €. Bornell for. his willingness to share some 
of his creative activities and resourceful approaches he has devised and uses 
in both regular and adapted physical education classes. This sampling of 
activities and approaches reemphasiz*es the importance of knowing-, andmnder- 
standing children, their interests <ffn<f needs if one is to plan .and provide 
meaningful physical anci motor experiences for thenw Capturing sand capitalizing 
on student interests in ways that are appealing and challenging to them makg 
successes more*- likely. ■ * : 

Through activities presented in this Practical Pointer , each stjudent* can 
be actively involved in learning experiences that are pleasurable, enjoyable, 
and FUN. Both activities and approaches are kept simple and avoid the trap of 
making them too complicated and overly sophisticated. Within tjiis framework, 
activities are individualized and personalised according to interests, needs, 
and abilities of each child. The activities and approaches presented are consistent 
with interests of children, needs of teachers, and both intent and letter of laws 
insuring appropriate physical- and motor activities as part of free, appropriate 
education in least restrictive environment guaranteed every child with a handicapping 
condition^ - * 

Readers and users of this Practical Pointer have before them examples of 
activities and approaches that ha$e s£ood tests of time; bhey are practical, 
relevant, anji, well-received by children and teachers alike. This sampling of 
activities and approaches should whet appetites of both teachers and students 
so that working together they explore mapy 6 new and exciting ways to reach new 
heights and vistas in and through the physical and motor domains. DonaTd Born ell 
has stimulated and challenged each of ,us through a very valuable and "meaningful 
contribution in this " Practical Pointer . His efforts not only link the impossible 
to the possible, 'but will make" many impossible dreams come trrue. For all of this, 
and all that his efforts will stimulate, sincere thanks and appreciation for a job 
extremely well-done are extended to Donald G. Bornell. 

Julian U. STtein; Consultant 
Programs for the Handicapped 

The American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and 
Dance ddesnot discriminate in any of its programs and activities on the 
basfis of race, religion* color, national origin, sex, or handicapping 
conditions. * 

"The impprtance 'of activity as a positive learning experience for all children 
cannot be o^emphasized. .All children in their formative years must identify 
with their htomdnness and, ihrough awareness of the men talk and physical self, be 
able to say ^nd/o 7 r feel 'I AM! 1 Thus, an inner balance contributes ^to sound 'y 
emotional development and^understanditig of similarities <and\if f erences in human 
beings, 11 * 

"In the process of growth ai/d development, all children should experience move-, 
ment success within each of their capabilities and limitations and\n an atmo- 
sphere which allows for optimum enjoyment through appropriate and- well "planned 
activities. "* • \ 

■i \ 

* • X $ 
It f s Chat little bit of difference in planning activities or'creating new ^activ- 
ities and equipment in the adapted or regular physical education' program tnat 
links the impossible 4 to the possitfle *For many children. Through this linkage^ 
each individual has the opportunity to experience movement 1 success,' so necessat^ 
for participating in pleasurable physical recreational activities throughout life(. 

* ' / >\ 
"Children need to be challenged and stimulated in a constructive way, and they ' 
need time to develop the appropriate skills necessary to feel a part of and not 
threatened by, physical recreational activities or sport activities programs. 

'Children should also be given the opportunity to make choices' under appropriate; 
conditions between competitive and noncompetitive sports, and nonvigorous- and \ 
vigorous activities."* * * 

^"As w£ look into the future, it appears that humankind will pursue the physical 
activity through recreation that work once partially fulfilled, for the body is 
^ari. energy system. Adults of tomorrow will seek physical recreation that involves 
the whole self in the way children *are involved in play."* 

The activities on the proceeding pages are representative of many ways in which • 
a teacher can help pupils in physical education, regular or adapted^ -link the" 
impossible to that which eventually becomes possible. Ea@rh of these activities 
evolved as a result of perceiving specific needs and interests of individuals in 
toy adapted physical education program. And, keeping formost in mind that many 
children, can learn to participate in at least a few of the many lifetime sports 
now available in our society, if given* the opportunity to progress in- a less 
obvious way from that which* has bjeen so commonly used in physical activities 


, *MOVEMENT IS INDIVIDUALITY , Donald G. and Cecil Jean Bofnell, 1978, 
Publisher, ~G. S.C. AthTetic Equipment, San Pedro, Calffornia.